Photo: This was just in the middle of the road in town. Just a few thousand years old, I suppose.
This portion of our travels is now completed and up for your viewing pleasure.
I hope that it gives you some pleasure to see these beautiful sites while we are “cooped up” and not free to travel as usual.
I will start on another section today. I have many more to do. Lately I have been sending myself daily emails when on vacation.
In the past I had not thought of that and had to reread all of our travel brochures to recreate our vacations. Not an easy task.
Anyway, I hope these adventures of ours offer some pleasant times for you. I have been reminded of many people and pleasant events as I have put up the photos.
Go to to hear him interview me. It is interesting and he has a great personality that comes through.
I am now on Facebook at R.C. Hand.
If you are writing a book, give us some advice on that and let us know about it here.