October 19, 2020 – Our trip to Indochina

Yesterday was the second anniversary of our landing in Vientiane, Laos.

What an adventure that was.

It was the beginning of our trip through Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia.

Laos is the least developed country of the three, but don’t let that stop you from visiting that wonderful country. The sooner the better, I say.

Get there before it looks like any other, well developed, country. The food and the lodgings were excellent and the people were wonderful.

We have been lucky to have traveled to nearly one hundred countries, including North Korea and many others.

We made a decision many years ago to do this in our lifetime.

You can do this if you wish, also.

Take a look at my stories and photos here on my travel blog and perhaps I might convince you to go somewhere wonderful and interesting. It doesn’t have to cost very much.

Please do give it some thought, R.C. Hand.