I am off to Jordan and Egypt in October. My destination often depends on the political climate at the time.
Most countries have interesting histories and cultures. They are all will worth a visit, no doubt.
I have traveled to North Korea with little difficulty or issues and expect the same on this journey.
The story of my adventures in North Korea are here on this website. I traveled there the week before the Olympics in China.

I did go to the 100th modern Olympiad in Greece in 2004. We attended the opening ceremonies, tennis matches and archery. Those photos and stories are here as well.
One piece of advice from me for men out there after seeing the Korean women and their archery skills, never buy your sweetheart or your wife a bow and arrows as a gift. Just saying.
The first chapter of each of my novels are here for you to enjoy along with my travel stories and photos.
“Sunrise, Sunset,” my book of ten short stories will be up on audible, very soon.
Have a safe New Years.