I think we all had a great time at the opening event of the season.
I didn’t win, but life is about learning to cope as we all lose more often than we win.
There were several very good storytellers at the event.
I am just happy to say that I did a decent job and didn’t make a fool of myself. My wife may feel differently, by the way.
I told a new story about my pet monkey, “Monk” who was in my life when I was a junior in high school.He and I were together 55 years ago for a short and very interesting time.
On another topic, my Audible book, “Sunrise, Sunset,” will be available by the end ff the month. It is in review now.
It has ten very different stories there for your reading enjoyment.
Some are silly, some are poignant and some are just plain interesting.
I can’t explain where these stories come from. They just happen.
The same goes for my novels, their characters and the story lines. It is a mystery to me and I’m sure many writers experience the same phenomenon.
That is what makes it so magical. Usually, I’m just along for the ride and I find out what’s happening just as I write it down.
I wish all of you a grand New Year and please make a point of being kind to those who might have a different view of the world than you do. They may just be right.