We are staying at the Marriott Ocean Club on Maui at Kaanapali. It is a lovely vacation spot as most Marriotts are.
Today we rested form over resting and rode down the water slide several times and floated in the massive, multi level pool.
A group of strangers gathered below and started giving points to those sliding down from the top. We joined in of course and added our two cents worth.
It seems that the lightest and thinest kids slide the fastest. Most of us suspected the larger folks would slide the fastest. But friction and drag seem to be a problem on the water slide.
When I took of my shirt I went much faster. I thought about removing more, but a vote was taken and the results indicated that I should leave the rest of my clothing on.
My wife and I along with our traveling companions had a fun time coming down the waterslide over and over again. The climb up is good exercise as well.
The weather has been great so far with clear skies and the temps in the 80’s so far. The flight over was smooth and carefree.
We had a bar-b-cue dinner here on the grounds tonight. It was very good.
We didn’t drive anywhere today. Tomorrow we are off for Macadamia pancakes somewhere down the road.
We are trying to grasp the fact that our son is gone. It will take some time and soul searching to gain the upper hand on these difficult feelings and times.
Sadly we have met with many who belong to this awful club. They tell us that we will recover to some degree in time but we understand that life will never be the same, of course.
If you belong to this club, our hearts go out to you.
French Admiral Jean Francois de Galaup, comte de La Pe’rouse was the first European to land on Maui at what became La Pe’rouse Bay on May 29, 1786.
La Pe’rouse Bay or Keone’o’io Bay is at mile marker 7 at the very end of Makena Alanui Road.
Captain James Cook saw the island in 1778 but did not land on it.