Hello everyone.
My wife of forty years and I are off on a few adventures before the end of the year.
We are going back to London for another wedding and to visit family for ten days.
We are then off to Jordan and Egypt. We have tried to get to Egypt twice and have met with some difficulties. Hopefully all will remain calm and we will be able yo visit this interesting and historic country.
My wife has been to Jordan before but this will be my first trip. I am very excited to go such an old culture and see the amazing things that they have created over so many years.
We will then be going to Rwanda to see the Mountain Gorillas. I love primates and being one myself I hope to gain a better understanding of myself and others while I am there.
So there will be more stories coming up soon about those trips and more video interviews. I just finished one two days ago and have two more scheduled for this month already. I ope that you enjoy them. They are on many different topics as you will see if you take the time to watch them.

This is in Laos
And remember, “Sunrise, Sunset”, my book of ten short stories is now also available on Audible.