I just did a podcast interview with Kelly Acevedo about travel.
We had a great time.
My interview will be up sometime in October, perhaps.
In the meantime, if you love travel, and who doesn’t. Keep quiet back there you non travel types grumbling in the dark. Come to hear her pod casts at podcast @hadtobethere.net. She’s on the other platforms as well.
We are off to Jordan and Egypt in a few weeks.
After the new year, we are taking a three week cruise from Bali, through Indonesia and the Philippines to Japan.
We will visit our long time friends who came to live with our family many years ago. We still talk to the daughter each week. She has been our Japanese sister for over thirty years.
After our return from Japan we are off to Rwanda to see the mountain gorillas.
Yes, your dreams can come true if you have a plan, work hard and treat people right. Not everything will work out, but if you have a plan, then you at least will have a chance at success and a wonderful life.