Sept.28, 2023 – How did the Savoy Hotel get its name?

This is a simple matter, but it goes back in history a very long way.

In 1246, count Peter of Savoy built his palace on the site where Richard d’Oyly Carte’s 1889 Hotel now stands.

Who were the Savoys?

The junior branch of the House of Savoy-Carignano family led the unification of Italy in 1860. They ruled the Kingdom of Italy and ruled the Kingdom until 1946. They also ruled the Kingdom of Spain for a time in the 19th century.

The Italian government took their crown jewels valued at $335 million dollars away for supporting the Nazis during WW ll. They were also expelled from the country until 2002.

There’s a very interesting documentary on the Savoy family on Netflix.

The Founder of the family dynasty of the house of Savoy was Humbert l the Whitehanded in the middle of the 11th century. He was the ruler of county of Savoy and other parts of Italy east of the Rhone River and south of Lake Geneva. He was probably of Burgundian origin. Over time the lands they held grew and expanded.

More to come!

I’m back.

On Feb.12, 1246 Henry the ll of England gave this land to Peter, Count of Savoy. He then built a palace there. It was considered the finest nobleman’s house of medieval London. After his death the property was left to a hospice. His niece, Eleanor of Province, Queen to Henry the lll, bought back the land.

Eventually it fell under the control of the Gaunt Family. The palace was destroyed during the rioting of the Peasants Revolt of 1381.

This first great popular rebellion also called Wat Tyler’s Rebellion or the Great Rising was a major uprising covering large areas of England. It was caused by the imposition of the poll tax used to pay the debt from the Hundred Years War, The Black Death and the instability within local leadership of London.

Wat Tyler as stabbed in the throat during a meeting with Richard the ll. That turned out to be a bad plan.