I now have “Sunrise, Sunset” my book of short stories also up on Audible. Audio production is finished with “Kazu, son of Oshida Kamasaki and and it will also be on Audible very soon. It is an action packed historical Asian adventure romance.
“Grandpa Ernie’s Secrets” is going into audio production shortly. That novel is about a family and secrets held close. Grandpa Ernie is a retired history professor who worked at George Town University. What happened to Bobby’s parents that sent him to live with his grandpa Ernie when he was so young? Who is Ruby and where did she come from? How has Ernie been able to travel so much and why? It will soon be on Audible soon.
I want to thank all of you who come here to visit. My imaginary friends thank you as well. They told me to send that message along to you. They are polite if nothing else.