Her’s was a newish apartment building and her apartment had a great view of Central Park. Suzan reached home home thirty minutes later. It was a nice area but not like Mary’s. Suzan would end up on the edge of the park one way or the other. It was her dream to live in one of those apartment buildings overlooking the park. She knew Chad lived there now, and if marrying him brought her happiness and an address in that area she would be very pleased. She had stayed overnight in his place a few times and loved the neighborhood. She loved that Chad lived on Park Ave.
She had Chad over to her place now and then for dinner. He even commented on how nice her apartment was, considering all. “It’s a rather small,” was all he had said on his first visit over.
Suzan checked here answering machine for calls as she reached her small dark kitchen. She found two calls waiting for her. She played them back and listened. One was from her mother. It was the usual, “how are you honey, I’m fine, when can I see you, kind of call.
Suzan hadn’t talked to her mother as often as she should have lately and felt bad about that. The second call was from Chad. “I have to talk to you Suzan, it’s important. Let’s get together tomorrow for dinner somewhere. You choose where. Call me tonight no matter what time you get home and let me know where we’ll meet and at what time. After seven is best for me, love you.”
Part of her hoped that Joe would have called.
What’s up with Chad? Is he going to pop the question?
The beginning of Chapter 7 will be up her Tuesday afternoon.