More of Chapter 3 –
Her mother’s failing health was due to over drinking, lack of sleep, smoking endlessly and the failure to eat a decent meal now and then. Her mother was totally absorbed in her drinking and her weight while her world crumbled around her.
Nick listened and then spoke again, “That would be great dear. Are you happy with your work Charlene?” “Yes daddy, I never miss a day. And now with Joe and I becoming closer it’s much better.” “Well I’m glad to hear that Charlene. However a work related relationship is filled with peril, honey.” “This is different daddy.” “I do worry about your mood swings and choices, you know Charlene.”
Charlene bit her lip and held back her tears. Her father was always bringing up her mental illness issues when they talked. “That new medicine that the doctor has given me seems much better than the last batch. I don’t feel so depressed or tired anymore.” I’m glad to hear that dear.”
Her father turned in his large leather swivel chair behind his antique desk and moved the mouse on his computer pad. he pulled up his daughter’s savings account and added twenty-thousand dollars to it from his large vacation account.
“I just put the money into your savings account, sweetie. You sound great at the moment, by the way.”
Sadly, depression ran in Charlene’s mother’s family and Charlene had not been spared it’s hardships or difficulties. Nick wondered why the most beautiful women are so often affected by that affliction, and are mentally disturbed. He would have to look into that at some point when he had a moment to spare.
He had been a victim of two women with this malady in his life already. At the moment however, that time for research on that topic looked to be far off in the future. Work was getting busier and busier as the year was coming to a close.
“You need to take your meds everyday honey, promise me that.” “I know daddy. I’m being very diligent about that lately.” “Alright then. The money has been sent to your account. Please be careful out there. I would like to meet your new man as soon as possible.” “Sure daddy,” Charlene added. “I’ll make that happen soon.”
“Great honey,” have a nice day. I have to get back to work. Let me know when you are about to leave on vacation and the itinerary so I will know where you are. You might email me now and then so I can keep track of you on your trip. that might be fun.” “I will daddy, thanks again.” The conversation ended with a promise from his daughter that he knew might never be kept.
Joe thought about last night when he had argued with Suzan. Joe now remembered some of her departing words. they had something to do with and reminded him of his mantra, “I’ll get to it later honey.” Her constant response to him was, “No you won’t Joe, you’ll never change.”
Joe remembered that he swirled around to look at Suzan after the insult. Suzan had set down her two Gucci suitcases on the floor of the hallway outside the front door of the apartment. She stood there between her suitcases looking at Joe with disdain and closed the door as she stood in the hallway. She didn’t even have the energy to slam he door.
Charlene knew about Suzan’s issues with Joe. Joe had told Charlene all about Suzan’s disappointments often over their time spent working together or during a quick lunch. Joe had told Charlene about that last parting shot at him from over the phone. He remembered how much those words had cut him.
Charlene knew Suzan was right to some degree. They weren’t a perfect match, that was evident. Joe had vowed to work harder at getting things done in a decent time frame and to stop procrastinating as he had done so often before. He was sure he would conquer his demons, in time.
Joe saw the possibilities of becoming a changed man. He thought he had shown Suzan that he could get organized better and make something of his life. But then reality reared it’s ugly head. His change hadn’t been enough for Suzan and was too little too late. It was no longer necessary for Joe to try to change. Suzan had found Chad and he was now as enthralled with her as she was with him.
Charlene thought that she knew both Joe and Suzan and understood them. Over time she grew to love Joe, even as their marriage loomed over her future on the near horizon. Of course, Charlene knew about the planned honeymoon trip to Africa. She had arranged everything at Joe’s request. She thought that perhaps she might know too much about him and his personal affairs to work for him much longer. She was single and time was passing her by. She had to take a stand and this failure of Joe’s relationship had given her that opportunity. Perhaps it was fate showing itself to her at the very last possible moment.
“I gotta go Charlene, I have things to do.” “
All right Joe, I won’t call you unless I have to. Have a good day off and relax if you can. I know this is very difficult for you, especially with the wedding being so close at hand.”
“Thanks Charlene, you’re a great secretary and a good friend.” That comment made her think that there just might be a chance for her. She had given up all hope of having a relationship with Joe. And then this Godsend of his breakup arrived. it was too good to be true.
Joe walked across his tiny living room to his desk, picked up the national Geographic magazine and walked back to his favorite chair sitting in the warm sunshine. It was still cold outside but lovely in his chair where he sat sheltered from the fall wind and in direct sunlight. He found the section on East Africa and started reading it again. He looked down at the park two stories below him and out across the narrow damp street between reading the paragraphs and looking at the photos in the magazine.
He could see mothers with their children out walking along the edge of the river and one young fellow trying to get his kite airborne. Water taxis and boats filled with unknown cargo and people passed by beneath him. He wondered if he would ever have a family. Joe thought the odds of that were stacked against him just as he sometimes thought, secretly, that the odds of his success were some how stacked against him by forces unseen.
The subway entrance to the “guts of the city” where Joe caught his train to work sat the corner of the park. Large trees loomed over the rivers edge and shielded the entrance of the subway from the autumn sun. The trees were mostly bare now and Joe could see the roof of the subway entrance. In the spring it would be hidden by masses of bright green leaves.
The roof was made of flat, red clay tiles covered in moss. Joe wondered how an artist might achieve that effect as he looked at it. Joe loved to walk through the Bronx Museum nearby. He loved to go into it when it was raining or snowing and study the paintings of the old masters when he had the time.
Unlike Charlene or Suzan who had wealthy parents and lived in suburbs, Joe had grown up in the Bronx under tough circumstances. That made him resilient if not a little pessimistic about life. He had hidden in The Bronx Museum of the Arts more than once to escape a beating from the kids in the neighborhood who didn’t like him at the moment.
So we now have a little knowledge about some of the main characters in this drama. In chapter four you will meet Chad and learn more about Suzan.
What’s going to happen to the money paid for the honeymoon to Africa? Hum.
Stop by if you want to find that out later today, perhaps.