My wife and I have worked very hard to make a comfortable life for ourselves and our son.
He had some issues at birth and we needed to make sure he would be taken care of well after we were gone.
Ryan was forty-three on March 22. He passed away on April 1st.
When you think you have life figured out, think again. There are no guarantees that you will see those you love tomorrow.
Tell those around you how much you love and care for them and hug them tight every time you see them.
Luckily we saw Ryan often as he lived near by and we always parted with a hug and a kiss. He wasn’t too old for that.
He knew we loved him and we knew he loved us. We were in a very good place as far as that goes. He was easy to love.
He wasn’t perfect, but none of us are. He will be missed by so many.
We now have met many people who knew and loved our son.
His main fault was being too kind to those who might take advantage of him.
If this is the worst fault our child, you have been blessed.
I have no idea about what is in store for us after we die, but it doesn’t matter.
I know that he is in a better place now. We only cry because we have been left behind to go on without him.
We have many charities that we support. Now we must decide where or who to leave our estate to since he is no longer with us.
We had planned and worked very hard to see that his life would be a great one when we were gone.
He loved art and music and his friends.
He often gave his things away when he shouldn’t have and he always tried to help those in need. He had little understanding of the value of money or the need for planning for his future. I suppose at forty-three, few single men do.
He had a good heart, was a good man and a wonderful son.
This is Ryan and I when he was around two.