Oct. 11 – Day 11 – Melnik and Prague.
We arrived in Melnik Rybare this morning and went off on the motor coach to Prague after breakfast.
We arrived and toured the old town and saw the famous 15th century Astronomical Clock. The Apostels walk every hour on the clock’s ledge or veranda.
There are many puppet shops here for some strange reason. We took a walk to Prague Castle and it’s massive complex including, you guessed it, more palaces. Be quiet. We also saw Gothic styled St.Vitas Cathedral.
Do you know the difference between a Cathedral and just a large, beautiful church?
There were many churches and museums here as well.
We also found the old Jewish Cemetery where generation after generation of families were buried on top of each other. It is a very small area.
Sadly this is the end of this trip, but there are more to come out of my large box of memories. My wife and I have been traveling since we were married over thirty-four years ago. I say, “you can’t see the future, so you must travel now, in case the worst happens and you don’t have a long and happy life.” I think that it is a good idea to travel while you are fit and can still walk and enjoy. Don’t wait until you can afford it. That may never happen or you may be to old and infirm to be able to enjoy it!
Put the trip on one of your cards and see some of the world. If the worst happens, the kids will have to pay for it out of your estate. Have some fun for crying out loud!
Read my book, The Adventures of the Smith Family. It’s available on Amazon now.