Sunday: We are at sea today. My wife and I read quite a bit when we travel. A day at sea is a perfect time to find a quite time and place to read about where you are or anything else.
We have recently taken a cruise from L. A. to the Hawaiian Islands and traveled among all of them. Those days sailing are the most relaxing and pleasant that I can remember. It will slow you right down and make you think and enjoy the time that you have at hand.
I’d like to mention something to the cruise lines as I am thinking about it. Please provide a quiet place for people to read on your ships. Lately I have found that at a premium. The libraries are hallways at best and sometimes just behind the casino or a small bar. The cocktail lounge seems the quietest place to read during the day now on most ships.
The sea is a dark clear blue, with small whitecaps kicked up by the shifting breeze, uncertain of where it wants or needs to go. Not bad right. Read my new novel, “Sailing Away,” for more of my interesting nonsense. It’s on Amazon now and in The Kindle lending Library.