Do you have adult children and grandchildren that you love? Do they know what you want done with your remains after your death? Do everyone a favor and become an organ donor and let your family know your desires.
Things happen very quickly sometimes. It can be a burden to your family if you haven’t left an estate plan or at least let your loved ones know what you want done with your remains.
Do you think the God or the creator of the universe wants you to take good organs with you when you die? I don’t! If you believe in a divine source for all of us don’t you think that source would want you to help others when your on your way out to the next place, where ever that might be?
Get together with your family and let them know how you feel and find out how they feel as well. Life doesn’t always play out the way you think that it will, sadly.
A gift of your organs may make the difference of life and death for another family’s loved one.
Please think about it.
By the way, what do you think of compulsory organ donations? Just a thought.