My six minute story telling session was a success. I won against seven other interesting story tellers who were entertaining and skilled.
I wasn’t as nervous as I had expected. I was always out in front of people working in my family’s restaurant with a mop or broom and talking to strangers and strange people most of my childhood.
Later in life I had to give estimates on jobs to new clients everyday for many years while running my own plastering business.
This type of activity beat the shyness out of me if it ever existed in me in the first place. I don not think that it ever did however.
I would like to thank all of those wonderful people for putting up with me for over six minutes last night. That isn’t an easy thing to do or so I have been told by more than one person over the years.
I would also like to thank all my friends and family who came out to support me in my new adventure. I hope it won’t be the last time that I do this.

This is a difficult time for many as we all know, so keep all of those people in your thoughts and prayers as we wait to see what unfolds.