This historical fiction novel is set in an ancient Asian land.
One country lives in a time of constant wars and strife under a power hungry shogan high in the mountains while another lies in a rich valley ruled by a gracious leader where all is well, until a troupe of monks come down from the mountains to chase women and drink.
Kazu, a young boy is soon caught up in the plans of the vile monks who soon create a reason to return every year to the same village.
What is Kazu’s father’s secret?
What does his future hold for Kazu when he turns sixteen?
This book is on Amazon and will soon be an Audible book.
The final version of “The Bad Seed” is nearly completed.
We are off to Rwanda, Tanzania and Kenya in August.
As usual things are happening in Kenya, one of our destinations, seems to at a boiling point at the moment. This seems to be the pattern of our adventures. Any number of possibilities floating in the future. Hopefully all will work out as hoped.
Next year we are off to Iran. Don’t ask questions you don’t want have answered.
My book of short stories, “Sunrise, Sunset” is now available on Audible.