Wednesday, April 29 – 2020 – Bermuda

The story of my Bermuda adventure is up now with photos.

It is a beautiful place with plenty of history.

I hope you are well and that this ads to your ability to deal with this crazy situation we are living through.

For a fun audio interview, listen to an interview I did with From Growing Up with Murderers, to Nepal & Traveling in North Korea. Brian is a travel blogger out of London and is lots of fun.

You will hear some interesting things about my years growing up and my travels. I think he did a great job. It is about 45 minutes long, but it goes by quickly.

As always, I found this country to be very interesting and innovative in some ways.

As I always say, “if you are looking for trouble, it will find you.” Try to look on the positive side of things and I think you will find life much more enjoyable. I understand it is more difficult now, but difficult times help us grow in many ways.

That’s how I approach my life, anyway. There are lessons to be learned in the worst of times and in the best of times. Just try to use those lessons learned to make your life better.

Today is Wednesday and I am not playing tennis today. We played yesterday. I have three courts here at my complex. Sadly, my many friends from the outside world are not allowed in to our complex to play, for safety’s sake.

My wife and I have not been able to volunteer at our local hospital due to the virus, so I have more time for work here on my blog. We usually volunteer on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00 AM to 12;00 or so. I will put more photos up today.

I’m not sure what country I will do. I still have some cruises and several other interesting places yet to reveal to you.

Thanks for visiting. Be safe and kind.

Remember to read the first chapter of each of my novels here on my website!