We went out to Woodford today. Yes, to visit more cousins.
There are still three generations of my wife’s cousins her in England. Her father was born in London and left as a small child for Canada along with his mother and father. Everyone else remained in England and are still here.
We had lunch at Mojos Brassier in Bushy. It was very busy. That’s always a good sign of a good place to eat.
We weren’t disappointed with our meals. They have a large menu of breakfasts and lunches with some vegetarian choices. We had a nice visit while we ate near the sidewalk in the fine weather. We have had the greatest weather possible.
We were dropped at another station and went back to London after lunch.
We arrived at the station in London and made a bee line for Harrods. We had to pay a short visit there to pick up a jubilee item to give to an English friend back in the U.S.
We were surprised at how little of these keep sakes were available. Perhaps it had to do with Covid-19 and the lack of expected tourist travel. We found something nice for our friend and then were on our way to the hotel.
And by the way, no Covid testing to get back to America at this moment, but that may change at any time.
I might have mentioned that I had some bad blisters on both feet from new shoes and bad planning on my part. Luckily my wife always brings rubber surf shoes with us on our travels.
She broke her foot in Athens at The Olympics years ago and they saved the trip for her. She wore them for the entire trip. Now it was my turn.
They are black with a very thin hard rubber soul and easy to pack. They take up no room at all. It is like walking barefoot in them. I might end up wearing them all of the time. I love them.
I did get some stares on the tube however. It was fun watching the other riders eyeing my footwear in these interesting looking slip-ons. They look almost like the Japanese shoes with the split between the toes called Rikio Ninja Tabi.
The Japanese travelers we crossed paths with found it very interesting to see wearing these shoes which appear to be so similar to those worn in Japan.