We walked the Freedom Trail with our two tennis playing friends today. They came in from Washington State to meet us here in Boston for a bus tour through the North East and then a cruise in Canadian waters.
We started out in the mist and ended up with a perfect day. We walked over nine miles.
We visited the USS Constitution and went on board to check the historic ship out. She is operated by the U.S. Navy with newly minted active duty personal.
You can win a chance to sail on her by entering the lottery at the website for the USS Constitution.
We had a very nice Italian Dinner at Bocca in the North End and could see many of the historic buildings around us as we ate upstairs. They have great food and we were lucky to get there early and miss the crowds.
Paul Revere had sixteen children. Where he found the time to make any silverware is a mystery to me. He made the copper platting that adorns the sides of the USS Constitution as well.
We went to a couple of cemeteries and visited some of our famous and important forefathers. There is a difference by the way. Do you know the difference between a cemetery and a graveyard, I do now, thanks to one of our guides on a walk in Canada. More on that latter.
Tomorrow will be around 85 degrees, so we hope to go out in the Charles River for some site seeing.