January 7, 2022 – Mrs. Vee

I wrote a short story several years ago about a woman exacting revenge on the murders of her husband.

Like most women, she is determined and good at accomplishing what she sets out to do.

This novella is now a full fledged novel and will be up soon.

It needs a little more attention from myself and an editor to make sure it is a good as it should be.

I think it will be worth the wait.

The first chapters of all of my novels are on my website for you to read.

I was a hyperactive child and need to keep busy.

There is a 48 minute audio interview of me by Brian at brian@briantellsstories.com from England. The title is “Growing up with murderers.”

I think you will find it very interesting

This is not Mrs. Vee by the way, but one of my water colors.

I love to paint and am, like most of us, a work in progress.