OCt. 10 – 14 – Transylvania – Land of Mystery and Witchcraft.
This side trip was taken at the end of our cruise. It encompassed three days and was very enlightening. It involved long bus rides and discussions with our guide about many things other than the historical sites.
There was a lot of residential construction going on at this time. There are several large gypsy communities in this part of the world. The homes were very large and modern looking. They are very tough and good at making a good living in any number of ways.
I have written a short story about a gypsy fortune teller and a somewhat disgusting brute of a man. It is called True Love and is in my book of short stories on Amazon. It is very clever, if I do say so myself.
Again, one could see fine automobiles passing us as we passed horse drawn wagons.
Our hotel was very comfortable with views of the mountains and cattle and sheep grazing just past the parking lot. It was very rural to say the least.
Jobs are very limited in this part of the world and you will find that your travel guides are usually very highly educated and turned to the travel industry for steady and will paid work. Jobs are often awarded to family members when they become available and thus sadly, the best do not always prevail.