If you live in Africa or you are just interested in the “Dark Continent,” go to my travel blog and find the stories of our two trips to six countries there.
We went to several game parks and saw the big five on our last trip back.
We went to Morocco many years ago and I have written a long blog with much history included there about that wonderful country.
The King of Morocco refused to hand over the Jews in his country when asked to do so by Hitler. He was a hero for many people around the world.
We went back to Africa two years ago to Zimbabwe, Zambia, Namibia, Botswana, and South Africa. It was a wonderful trip.
If you have any desire to travel to these countries go to my travel blog and read my stories of our trips to those warm and friendly countries.
We also were able to visit many school children as that is part of our trip. The company that we travel with donates funds to help keep the schools running smoothly.
We love Africa and hope that all of its inhabitants will be able to have a great future and live healthy and long lives.
There is always a need to help schools and children around the world. Think of them during this season of giving and send a little something to a charity of your choice that will help children and their schools.
Child Fund is a good place to start. We have several children around the world that we sponsor.
My novel “Sailing Away,” takes place in some of these countries and tells an interesting story about some of their history.
Have a safe holiday season.
Please remember that we are all unique and that our uniqueness is what makes this world so interesting.
Please be nice to each other.